Unlock The Future Conference 2025
This document explains the different types of data that might be collected and how we manage it. When we refer to “we” or “us”, we mean Wolmer and Partners LLP organisers of Unlock the Future (registered company number OC3797718)
1. We will treat personal information about you with care and respect. We adhere to privacy by design principles and only collect the minimum amount of personal information needed and look after your personal information responsibly. We date our privacy policies so that you can see when our policy has been updated. We’ve tried to create a comprehensive events privacy policy but we are open to your feedback on how we could improve. This event’s privacy policy should be read alongside our general privacy policy. If you want to find out more about how we manage your information at our events, please contact us at info@unlockthefuture.uk.
2. We will only collect the minimum amount of personal information needed. We will only use your personal information when we have a fair and lawful basis for doing so. We will ask for your consent to process your personal information in some circumstances, for example, if we feel we do not have a legitimate interest to do so. This is the data that will be collected and processed in order to register you and provide you with easy access and a safe experience:
• Title, first name and surname
• Job title, company name, company postal and email address and mobile number
• Any necessary dietary and access needs
• Payment information In specific circumstances, for example, if you are a speaker or if Consumers International is arranging your travel and accommodation, we might ask you for additional personal information such as:
• Your passport details
• Your professional biography and picture We rely on our legitimate interests to process your personal information in this way.
3. How do we use your information and why? We will use your information:
• To reserve a place for you at the event
• To provide you with information about the event, including event updates, and possible changes, cancellations or similar information.
• To provide you with information about accessibility, transportation, accommodation etc that may impact on your attendance to the event
• To take payment for your ticket
We rely on our legitimate interests to process your personal information in this way. Other data usage: Event attendee list: If you choose to download the Consumers International Events app, we will give you the option to add your details to an in-app attendee list, which would allow you to communicate with other delegates prior to, and during, the event. Your personal data will only be added to the in-app attendee list if you give us your consent to do so. Photos and video recordings: we’d like to take photographs and video recordings of speakers and attendees, as we would very much like to publicly celebrate the work of our membership and stakeholders. If you do not wish to be included in Consumers International’s photography and filming, please visit Consumers International’s organisers’ office on the day of the event. Marketing database: once your place has been confirmed, your details will be transferred to our database. We’d like to contact you about future events, campaigns and other work which we think might be of interest to you. This will help us stay connected and work together in the future. If you do not want to be contacted about future events, you will be able to opt out when you register via the registration platform, Shocklogic. Members will not be asked this question, as this falls under your membership contract with us. Please see section 4.4 of our general privacy policy for further information. Post-event evaluation surveys: we’d like to collect feedback from you about the event. This will help us make any future events more relevant and well organised. If you do not want to take part in post-event evaluation, you will be able to opt out when you register via the registration platform, Shocklogic.
4. Who are the third parties we work with? We use third-party services to deliver our events. We may disclose your personal information to them if we feel we have a legitimate interest to do so. We pick our partners carefully, but as they aren’t owned or managed by Wolmer and Partners LLP, we don’t have ultimate control over their policies. Shocklogic is our event management software: https://shocklogic.com/privacy-policy/ We use it: – To reserve your place at the event – To process your online payment platform when purchasing an event ticket – To provide you with event updates, and possible changes, cancellations or similar information – To provide you with information about accessibility, transportation, accommodation etc that may impact on your attendance to the event – To complete feedback forms and post event evaluation surveys – To provide information to other delegates regarding speakers’ bios and image – To provide a high level of assurance for the confidentiality and integrity of the communications between your browser and us through Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) – To securely transfer our App database, enabling us to verify users and ensure that only registered delegates can use the App. If you choose to register for the Unlock The Future Event, the name, job title, organisation and email address you provide in the registration will be automatically transferred to Shoicklogic’s Mobile App database. This information will be used to provide a secure login process for delegates. It will not be visible to other users unless to choose to opt-in to publishing your public profile on the App, or opt-in to the In-App messaging feature. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at info@unlockthefuture.uk. Please note that the third-party services mentioned above may use suppliers located outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and your personal data may, therefore, be stored and processed in countries outside the EEA. We have contracts with all of our third-party suppliers that require them to provide appropriate safeguards to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected when your personal data is used in this way. ShocklogicApp is our mobile event app (owned by Shocklogic): https://shocklogic.com/privacy-policy/. We use it: – To provide delegates with event updates, and possible changes, cancellations or similar information – To provide delegates with information about accessibility, transportation, accommodation etc that may impact on your attendance to the event – To complete enable delegates feedback forms, polls and post event evaluation surveys – To provide information to other delegates regarding speakers’ bios and image – To ensure that data is encrypted We also use the App to display our Attendees list and enable delegates to communicate with other delegates via our In-App messaging tool. App users will be given the option to disable these features when they log in for the first time. Privacy Settings can also be controlled at any point by going to the ‘My Profile’ area of the App. Delegates can also sync the App with their social media accounts. By doing this, they will be able to make posts from the App, follow other delegates’ accounts and keep track of the event hashtag. For more information on how your data is processed if you choose to download the App, please see our App privacy statement. Shocklogic is our CRM database: https://shocklogic.com/privacy-policy/ We use it: – To update and maintain accurate contact details of members of Unlock The Future – To import accurate contact details of attendees to our event management software system (Shocklogic, as above) – To contact consenting attendees about future events, campaigns and other work that may be of interest to them.
5. We will only retain your information for as long as required. We will retain your information for twelve months after the event. We may also use your information for post-event evaluation purposes if we have your consent. If we have a lawful basis to do so, we may retain your information for longer (for example, in order to keep you informed about future Consumer International events or activities). You have the right to object to us using your personal information and the right to ask us to erase it.
6. Be aware that some of the event discussions might be confidential. We will notify attendees before a session starts if the discussion is intended to be confidential. In such situations, attendees will be free to use the information received but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. If no notification is given before an event or the start of a session, attendees can assume that opinions, views and images can be made public, be used in the press, shared on social media, or in a report.
7. Disclosure of information Under certain conditions outlined in law, we may disclose your information to third parties, (such as law enforcement authorities) if it is necessary and proportionate for lawful, specific purposes. In the unlikely event that we are required to do so, we will attempt to provide you with notice (unless we are prohibited from doing so) that a request for your information has been made in order to give you an opportunity to object to the disclosure.
8. We welcome your feedback If you have any concerns about Wolmer and Partners events privacy policy, please contact us at info@unlockthefuture.uk. We are registered in the UK and so are covered by the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You have the right to make a complaint or contact them with any concerns through their online form https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/email/ or by email casework@ico.org.uk.